Staffyou 2.0

Staffyou is a digital platform matching employers looking for extra staff with people looking for flexible work opportunities.

I started my job at Staffyou in November 2019. At that point there was a version of the platform that was formed during the first years of the company. During those years quite a lot had changed and this was reflected in the code for that version. Also the platform was starting to grow and performance and deadlocks were becoming a problem. This version also wasn’t very scalable. The decision to start a 2.0 version was made pretty quickly.

At the time we were just 2 developers, and simply split building the 2.0 and maintaining the 1.0 between us. So 90% of my time was spent building the 2.0. After doing research on different design patterns and project setups we decided to go with a CQRS setup using the Mediatr library. We also upgraded to the latest dotnet core version (3.1 at the time).

The 1.0 version was 1 single web project using areas for the different user interfaces. In the 2.0 we made each user interface it’s own web project and moved all business logic to separate libraries of commands and queries.

During my 2.5 years working at Staffyou the 2.0 version was almost completed, just 1 single task was still running in the 1.0 version. Also the required features were greatly expanded.